Friday, January 20, 2012

Dumbest Things People Say To Vegans/Vegetarians

Most vegetarians and vegans have to put up with a lot of questions about their diets from curious omnivores. Some of these questions are the result of legitimate (if perhaps ignorant) curiosity, such as "Do you need to take supplements?" or "Do vegetarians eat eggs?" Most vegetarians and vegans are happy to answer these types of questions, at least the first few hundred times.

Quite a few other questions and comments are so dumb they're just plain obnoxious, though. This type is most popular with internet trolls and other omnivores who think they're funny, and there's no legitimate curiosity about them. Here are some of the dumbest:  SEE FULL LIST HERE

Monday, January 2, 2012

Telling the truth about high blood pressure

High blood pressure, also known as "hypertension," is the number one reason people visit their doctor in the United States. Each year, more than 100 million doctor visits are made for the medical management of this condition. High blood pressure is both a sign, as well as a causal factor, in heart attacks, strokes, and congestive heart failure, which makes it the leading associated cause of death and disability in westernized societies.
Medical doctors overwhelmingly recommend drug therapy for this condition, making blood pressure drugs the number one prescriptive medication in this country. But is drug therapy the best approach? And, is it safe?
There are many popular medical myths about high blood pressure. For example, many physicians believe that high blood pressure is an "inevitable consequence of aging"; that the "only viable treatment option for high blood pressure patients is medication"; that high blood pressure patients must take their medications "for the rest of their lives"; and, worst of all, that high blood pressure medications are "safe and effective." This article will show that drug treatment is not the only viable treatment option, and that drug treatment is disturbingly dangerous. In fact, studies strongly suggest that for the majority of patients with high blood pressure, medications may be more dangerous than doing nothing at all.  See Full Article Here

Douglas Lisle, Ph.D.
Alan Goldhamer, D.C. via

Sunday, January 1, 2012

vegaqn diets and weight loss

Healthy Eating & Diet

‘Skinny’ Vegan Diet

WebMD Expert Review
If you've always dreamed of having a model-thin body and are willing to adhere to a hard-core, low-calorie vegan diet, you may want to join the legions of women following the sassy, smart-mouth advice doled out in the book with the unprintable name: Skinny B****.
A drawing of a pencil-thin model type in a skintight dress graces the cover of "Skinny," which -- with a tone that's part girlfriend and part foul-mouthed truck driver -- is not for the faint of heart.

The Latest Diets

Feet on a Scale
New diets and weight loss tricks pop up every month. Get the facts on how the new diets work and what's right.
The premise of the book, written by former model Kim Barnouin and former model agent Rory Freedman, is that if you give up animal products, fast food, and processed food and eat a whole, natural vegan diet, you'll be happier, healthier, more energized -- and skinny.